Assignment 3
This assignment will use the same data that you will use in the retail project later in the semester. Each student will use a different time series, selected using their student ID number as follows.
<- function(student_id) {
get_my_data set.seed(student_id)
<- readr::read_rds("")
all_data while(TRUE) {
<- filter(all_data, `Series ID` == sample(`Series ID`, 1))
retail if(!any($Turnover))) return(retail)
}# Replace the argument with your student ID
<- get_my_data(12345678) retail
Use a training set up to and including 2018.
- What transformations (Box-Cox and/or differencing) would be required to make the data stationary? You should use a unit-root test as part of the discussion.
- Use a plot of the ACF and PACF of the (possibly differenced) data to determine two plausible ARIMA models for this data set.
- Fit both models, along with an automatically chosen model, and produce forecasts for 2019–2022.
- Which model is best based on AIC? Which model is best based on the test set RMSE? Which do you think is best to use for future forecasts? Why?
- Check the residuals from your preferred model, using an ACF plot and a Ljung-Box test. Do the residuals appear to be white noise?
Submit a Quarto (qmd
) file which carries out the above analysis. You need to submit one file which implements all steps above. You may use this file as a starting point.
Due: 16 May 2025