Exam preparation

Past exams

This year’s exam will follow the same format.

Exam conditions

The final assessment will be an on-campus eExam. It will be closed book with the following permitted items:

  • Up to 5 blank pages for use as working sheets.

  • 1 A4 double-sided page containing notes. A physical page only is allowed. It may be typed or hand-written.

  • 4 pre-printed answer sheets (available in the exam room) for handwritten responses (e.g., equations or diagrams).

  • A physical calculator of any type or one of the following virtual calculators:

    • Inbuilt Mac/Windows calculator
    • Website https://www.educalc.net/2336211.page
    • 10bii Financial Calculator for Mac by K2 Cashflow, https://apps.apple.com/au/app/10bii-financial-calculator/id473144920

AI tools are not to be used in the exam.

The exam will include one page of ETS formulas. Here they are, so you know exactly what you will see on the exam. No other formulas will be provided, but you can write whatever you like on your single A4 page of notes.

ETS formulas