Retail Project

Objective: To forecast a real time series using ETS and ARIMA models.

Data: The data are monthly measures of retail trade volume in Australia, obtained from the ABS. Each student will be use a different time series, selected using their student ID number as follows. This is the same series that you used in previous assignments.

get_my_data <- function(student_id) {
  all_data <- readr::read_rds("")
  while(TRUE) {
    retail <- filter(all_data, `Series ID` == sample(`Series ID`, 1))
    if(!any($Turnover))) return(retail)
# Replace the argument with your student ID
retail <- get_my_data(12345678)

Assignment value: This assignment is worth 12% of the overall unit assessment. You may copy and paste material from previous assignments, but you must take into account any feedback that you have received on these assignments.


You should produce forecasts of the series using ETS and ARIMA models. Write a report of your analysis in Quarto format explaining carefully what you have done and why you have done it. You may use this file as a starting point.Your report should include the following elements.

ETC5550 students


Due: 30 May 2025